Get Healthy. Stay Healthy.
Welcome to your health and wellness program. You'll have access to tools to assist you in making healthy lifestyle changes, all in a secure, confidential, and easy-to-use format.
An Account has already been created for all PCG employees. Please use the following credentials to sign into your own wellness portal. Once logged in you will be prompted to change your password.
Username: “PCG” + 6-digit EEID (Example: PCG123456) Include leading zeros if EEID is not 6 digits (Example: PCG004321)
Password: DOB (YYYYMMDD)
Username: “PCG” + 6-digit EEID + S (Example: PCG123456S) Include leading zeros if EEID is not 6 digits (Example: PCG004321S)
Password: DOB (YYYYMMDD)
Log In
Stay healthy, on the go.
MyWellPortal goes where you go. Download the MyWellPortal app to continue your healthy journey anywhere, anytime.